Capsule Surveillance helps detect the onset of emergent, potentially actionable conditions early and inform the care team
Supports the entire care team with actionable insights
Enables improved staff efficiency and satisfaction
Aligns alert notifications to clinical practice and patient care guidelines
Smart Rules are specifically configured to alert upon detecting emergent, clinically actionable patient events
Integrates into existing workflow and virtual care tools, such as Philips eCareManager and Epic Monitor
Provides an event management dashboard to allow users to manage, track, and escalate alert communication to the front line care team as well as create manual alerts
Supports telemetry technicians in a central monitoring unit with wave strip workflow
Latest release of Philips Capsule Surveillance receives FDA clearance
High profile alerts and alarms from all patient- connected bedside devices and systems are sent to the assigned care team in priority fashion. Alerts are filtered to reduce the number of alerts being propagated to avoid worsening alarm fatigue.
Specialty Oversight
Tailored solution to support specialty trained nurses and caregivers to ensure that they can receive alarms and alerts from specialty devices and review live streaming patient data when they cannot be at the bedside.
Virtual Care/telehealth
Visibility to all data, alarms, and alerts from patient-connected bedside devices and systems is critical to allow remote caregivers to see the patients clinical picture when not at the bedside.
General Oversight
Support caregivers where nurse to patient ratios are low with a way to watch for possible unnoticed decline and alert for early signs of respiratory distress.
Telemetry CMU
Support the telemetry technician in the central monitoring unit with holistic visualization of all device and waveform data, enhanced alert escalation visibility and management, manual alert capabilities, and ECG strip annotation and export.
Use case: Ventilated Patient Surveillance supporting respiratory therapy
Continuous clinical surveillance can help extend the reach of frontline clinical staff over the full range of intensive care patients, regardless of where they receive care in the facility. Ventilated Patient Surveillance provides a centralized view of ventilator data and annunciates clinically actionable emergent events:
Reducing bedside visits from non-actionable events limits the caregivers’ exposure to infection and reduces their consumption of PPE
Shortening response times with the goal of helping to improve patient safety and outcomes
Use Case: Telemetry CMU Surveillance supporting telemetry technicians
Capsule Surveillance provides comprehensive support for the telemetry central monitoring unit (CMU), and the associated workflows of the telemetry technician, by providing holistic visibility of all device and waveform data, enhanced alert escalation visibility and management, manual alert capabilities, and ECG strip annotation and export.
Enabling tele tech to determine which alerts need to go frontline caregivers, with the goal of reducing non clinically actionable alarms/alerts
Allowing wave strip workflows to be completed in Surveillance to streamline workflows
Alert Management and Escalation for Telemetry
Telemetry techs need to ensure communication of clinically actionably alerts with frontline caregivers. Using the Alert Management Dashboard tele techs can track escalations of alerts and escalate or generate manual alerts as necessary. In one location, they can track, escalate, or generate manual alerts.
Applying Smart Rules analysis to live-streaming data aids early detection of potentially emergent clinically actionable events
As part of implementation, Capsule specialists can work with clinical staff to configure Smart Rules for the facility and specific care areas. Capsule Surveillance allows for rules customization aligned with clinician preferences and practices. Certain Capsule Smart Rules support established, published clinical practice guidelines.
Through Smart Rules, Capsule Surveillance performs a multi-variable assessment of a patient and notifies caregivers with smart alerts when the patient’s condition shows signs of deterioration that can potentially lead to emergent events. Through smart alert distribution to the assigned care team members’ mobile devices or other remote screens, these notifications are made available to caregivers on the go or those who provide additional oversight, such as in an eICU, virtual care setting, or central monitoring unit.
Philips Clinical Surveillance Overview
Use Case: Respiratory Depression Smart Alert in General Care
Use Case: Tachyarrhythmia Smart Alert in Telemetry-CMU
Use Case: Pulmonary Smart Alert for a Ventilated Intensive Care Patient
Use Case: Transmembrane Pressure & SpO2 Trend Smart Alerts for an ECMO Patient
When clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Broad medical device integration allows clinicians to leverage the potential benefits of medical data, so that they can focus their efforts and attention on the patient, and not the technology.