“This is how I do it”: uncovering gaps in data-driven clinical workflows
When clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Imagine where medical device data can take you. Now imagine a single technology platform helping you achieve these benefits across all hospital departments and the entire health system.
Liberate, aggregate, analyze, and share clinical data from connected devices to make more informed decisions and transform from reactive care to insight-driven, proactive care delivery.
We help your health data live up to its full potential. MDIP accurately captures live, streaming data, increasing visibility and knowledge of the patient, and equipping you with insight to help make informed and timely decisions. Easier access to data improves communication and collaboration between care team members, simplifies and standardizes workflow, and gives caregivers more time to spend with patients. Our platform is flexible and can grow with your needs, today and in the future, while maintaining an excellent clinical experience and standard of care.
Our Medical Device Information Platform consists of three solutions, which all work seamlessly together:
Combining these solutions helps you maximize the value of medical device data for better clinical and operational results. Capsule is your partner to realize the true potential of all the medical device data you have.
Capsule’s Medical Device Integration combines health data, including waveforms, from connected medical devices or clinical systems. Our reliable, smart integration contextualizes available data and transforms it into visible, actionable, predictive insight. We unlock the potential of your data to improve patient and operational outcomes, enhance research, refine protocols, streamline resources, and help you deliver precisely the right care at the right time.
Capsule’s patient monitoring devices enable data-driven insights across the care continuum. Clinicians can spend more time with their patients instead of entering data into the EMR, when using our Capsule Vitals Plus. Patient care is improved with fewer charting errors, more timely charting and more modifiers and custom fields. When added to existing spot monitors, Capsule’s Chart Xpress reduces charting time from hours to seconds.
Our clinical surveillance solution gives care teams contextual information on a patient’s condition that can facilitate early intervention, improve patient safety and enable better clinical outcomes. We help increase visibility of patient status and trends, heighten situational awareness, and provide actionable insights to help clinicians make informed decisions quickly. Clinicians can make timely assessments and react using customized protocols, based on predictive analytics and at-a-glance dashboards.
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Get a never-seen-before, deep clinical perspective of the patient, enabled by live data flowing freely across a variety of device manufacturers on an open, scalable platform.
MDIP liberates live-streaming patient data from nearly any medical device so it flows through PIC iX, giving you a near-real-time, digital, vendor-neutral and unified view of the patient.
PIC iX shares comprehensive patient data wherever needed – on a mobile device, at the bedside or central station – giving you capabilities to act so you can take control of a situation from any location in the hospital.
Using the PIC iX role-based access to aggregated, vendor-neutral data housed in the Philips system, you can control who sees and acts on patient information.
Download the Capsule Medical Device Information Platform Brochure
DownloadWhen clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Broad medical device integration allows clinicians to leverage the potential benefits of medical data, so that they can focus their efforts and attention on the patient, and not the technology.