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Powering streaming contextual data to multiple downstream systems.

Gain control and context over your medical device data with an application that lets you tailor it. Capsule’s Advanced Integration lets you tailor your data by frequency and format—including waveforms—to meet the requirements of each downstream system.

Whether you’re supporting smart alarms systems, research databases, remote monitoring or clinical studies, our solutions help increase the visibility and timeliness of important data and, create more meaningful alerts.  Our Capsule Advanced Integration solution helps you:


Tailor data beyond the EMR

  • Deliver tailored data to multiple downstream systems such as precision care and decision support systems, research databases, alarm management and remote monitoring
  • Integrate data at the frequency required by each receiving system
  • Send the right data to the right system at the right time

Contextualize meaningful alerts

  • Provide intelligent data to alarm management systems
  • Help reduce alarm fatigue
  • Inform workflow tools
  • Aid staff in making timely, data-driven interventions

Transmit Continuous Waveforms

  • Waveform data output by each device is normalized so receiving systems can reconstitute waveforms reliably and correctly
  • Data is transmitted at the highest available resolution and frequency

Help Researchers Reach Better Conclusions

  • Provide research team with intelligent data to inform precision care models, improve protocols and improve the hospital reputation

Insights & Events

Catch up on the latest from Capsule

February 14, 2024

Shared Responsibility: How hospitals can help improve medical device data security


For some time, this notion of a shared responsibility for data security has been recognized as a best practice within the larger technology industry.

May 11, 2023

How high-fidelity data could drive better predictive care and research insights


High-quality data gives medical researchers and clinicians the level of detail they need to better be able to study the efficacy of treatments and identify patterns and trends in healthcare outcomes.