“This is how I do it”: uncovering gaps in data-driven clinical workflows
When clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Philips Axon is the next generation of reliable, serial-to-network bridges within the Philips Capsule Medical Device Information Platform (MDIP), enabling the automatic collection of medical device data. The Philips Axon features an always-on design and connects to the hospital network through a wired Ethernet or standard 802.11 a/b/d/g/h/j/n/ ac/r/w wireless network.
Take a closer look at the Philips Axon and find out how it can help you deploy device integration with ease and optimize workflows.
DownloadWhen clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Broad medical device integration allows clinicians to leverage the potential benefits of medical data, so that they can focus their efforts and attention on the patient, and not the technology.