“This is how I do it”: uncovering gaps in data-driven clinical workflows
When clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Capsule Chart Xpress is a flexible, cost-effective way to eliminate much of the time, hassle and error of manual charting vital signs required in non-critical care areas. It transforms existing spot monitors into connected solutions that capture, validate and periodically deliver vital signs from the bedside to the EMR.
With Chart Xpress, charting vital signs can be performed in seconds, giving care teams more time with patients.
Learn more about how Capsule Chart Xpress can cost-effectively create workflow efficiencies and improve intelligence at the point of care.
DownloadWhen clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Broad medical device integration allows clinicians to leverage the potential benefits of medical data, so that they can focus their efforts and attention on the patient, and not the technology.