“This is how I do it”: uncovering gaps in data-driven clinical workflows
When clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Capsule’s Vitals Stream expands medical device connectivity to anywhere in the hospital. Designed for ORs and other critical care areas, it provides a stream of near-real time vitals data and connectivity status on the screen of a Capsule Neuron clinical computing hub. Users can easily see which devices are connected and associate all captured data with the right patient.
This flexible plug-and-play solution is designed to scale to your needs, simplifying data connectivity and data delivery.
Learn more on how Vitals Stream can help you expand and manage your device connectivity.
DownloadWhen clinicians say, “This is how I do it,” they’re telling you something important. They’ve found ways to manage inefficiencies, but that doesn’t mean they should have to.
Broad medical device integration allows clinicians to leverage the potential benefits of medical data, so that they can focus their efforts and attention on the patient, and not the technology.