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Patient Monitoring
January 15, 2019

Why the Difference Between Continuous Surveillance and Patient Monitoring Matters

by Mary Jahrsdoerfer, Ph.D., R.N.

Understanding the distinctions between patient monitoring and continuous clinical surveillance represent the basis of good clinical practice, the foundation of patient safety initiatives and ability to comply with regulatory requirements.

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Finding Balance for Nurses
November 28, 2018

Technology, Workflow and Outcomes: Finding Balance for Nurses

by Jessica Lake, BSN, BS, RN

For many nurses, increased medical technology is just another barrier to human-centered, outcomes-based care. There is a better way—and it’s up to nurses to forge that path.

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Alarm Management
October 29, 2018

Technology Hazards and Alarm Management

by John Zaleski, Ph.D., CAP, CPHIMS

Customization of alarm signal settings to individual patient needs is a step in the right direction for identifying patients who are trending towards adverse events.

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