Capsule™ Vitals Stream
- 2008H
- 2008K
- 2008K2
- 2008年
- 2008T BlueStar
- Added support for 2008T BlueStar renal therapy device.
- Corrected Neuron connection issues when the standard protocol is used.
- Corrected the output of Pressure variables in standard protocol.
- Corrected the output of Patient Access Flow Rate variable.
- Added “Standard Protocol vs. Checksum Protocol” table in the Help File to explain the differences between the two configurations.
- C70237 – DDI Feasiblity Request Fresenius 2008T Bluestar
- C71055 – Kaiser Fresenius 2008K2
- C71199 – Fresenius not passing some variables
- C73310 – FreseniusF Bluestar Support Needed
- C74698 – UCLA – Fresenius dialysis system will not connect to neuron when first powered up.
- C74904 – Known Issues with FreseniusK2 Driver On Vitals Stream?
- C77278 – FreseniusF – unable to consistently acquire data depending on protocol
- C84376 – 2008T Dialysis DDI Help File Clarification
- C87306 – DDI Needed for Fresenius 2008T Blue Star
- C89103 – Fresenius 2008T Help File Update Request
- C68342 – Neurons not connecting to device