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Mai 21, 2020

Capsule’s Ventilated Patient Surveillance Workstation Helping to Meet Hospital Care Demands for Critical COVID-19 Patients

University of Miami Health System among new sites to go-live

ANDOVER, MA—May 21, 2020—As hospitals confront the COVID-19 pandemic, caregivers need tools to help them manage a large and dispersed population of ventilated patients safely and effectively. To that end, Kapseltechnologien offered the Ventilated Patient Surveillance (VPS) workstation providing present users of the company’s Medical Device Information Platform centralized remote observation of patients’ ventilator data and clinically actionable emergent events.

Assisting frontline providers in identifying patients in severe respiratory distress increases the likelihood of survival and reduces the burden on already-stressed care providers. The VPS workstation extends the reach of intensive care unit (ICU) staff over the full range of critical care patients, whether these patients receive care in the traditional ICU, other dedicated areas of the hospital, or non-traditional care settings.

Viewing real-time and trended clinical respiratory measurements and annunciated clinically actionable emergent events from a VPS workstation in a centralized, remote location allows staff to manage patients closely, without having to be physically close. Reducing bedside visits for non-actionable events limits the caregivers’ exposure to infection and reduces their consumption of personal protective equipment (PPE), which saves time, money and the equipment itself, another valuable resource in short supply. Care providers have greater availability for actual clinically actionable events, leading to shortened response times, which can improve patient safety and outcomes.

Ventilated patient surveillance leverages the ventilator connectivity of the Capsule Medical Device Information Platform, which is already being used in over 2,000 hospitals in the U.S. The VPS workstation is a tailored configuration of the company’s Capsule Surveillance solution, which integrates a wide range of patient monitoring and therapy devices, in addition to ventilators. Capsule is offering the VPS workstation to its customers in the U.S., where Capsule Surveillance has FDA clearance.

Supporting Frontline Clinicians

The Capsule VPS workstation is already in use by several leading healthcare organizations, including the University of Miami Health System. “Implementation went quickly and smoothly, which was helpful during the rush of coronavirus cases,” said Mary Stein-Ferrer, Director of Clinical Informatics for University of Miami Health System. “We have used ventilated patient surveillance to identify clinically actionable emergent events. Viewing and assessing comprehensive ventilation data on the workstation before entering a patient room reduces the amount of time that our nurses and respiratory therapists spend in that potentially infectious environment.”

Other hospitals and health systems that have successfully implemented the Ventilated Patient Surveillance workstation include Massachusetts General Hospital, Nebraska Medicine, Virginia Hospital Center, Middlesex Health and Capsule’s initial launch partner for the VPS workstation, Yale New Haven Health.

“For our existing clients, adding ventilated patient surveillance is a simple, yet impactful, way to extend the utility of their Capsule installations,” said Hemant Goel, chief executive officer of Capsule Technologies. “Technology is a key enabler, and we are directing all resources to support our clients’ urgent needs to reduce risks, increase efficiencies and extend the reach and availability of resources. Our Ventilated Patient Surveillance workstation offers remote, continuous visibility on critical, respiratory-compromised COVID-19 patients while supporting clinical decisions and helping staff limit their exposure.”

Designed for Rapid and Remote Deployment in Hospitals 

Recognizing that the pandemic has made travel and going on-site at hospitals difficult, Capsule engineers designed the VPS workstation so that the entire solution can be implemented remotely in a matter of hours, with support from the hospital’s IT staff.

For more information, visit, or contact Capsule Technologies at 1-800-260-9531 or


Capsule Technologies ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von medizinischen Datentechnologien für Krankenhäuser und Organisationen im Gesundheitswesen. Unsere Informationsplattform für medizinische Geräte – bestehend aus Lösungen für die Geräteintegration, die Überwachung von Vitaldaten und die klinische Überwachung – erfasst klinische Streaming-Daten von angeschlossenen Systemen und wandelt sie in kontextreiche Informationen für die klinische Dokumentation, das Alarmmanagement, die Patientenüberwachung, die Entscheidungsunterstützung, die prädiktive Analytik, die klinische Forschung und mehr um. Durchgängiges Datenmanagement und Konnektivität unterstützen eine bessere Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zwischen Klinikern und Abteilungen. Mehr als 2.800 Kunden weltweit nutzen unsere Plattform, um die Patientensicherheit zu verbessern, Arbeitsabläufe zu vereinfachen und die Gesamtzufriedenheit im gesamten Krankenhaus und in allen Pflegeeinrichtungen zu erhöhen. Erfahren Sie mehr unter




Media contact:

Philip Anast

Amendola Communications for Capsule Technologies, Inc.

(312) 576-6990
