In a hectic, ever-changing OR environment, timely, accurate medical devices are essential to track and trend patient status. In recent years, the number and complexity of devices have increased, resulting in a higher volume of data, alarms, and alerts that can both guide and potentially threaten patient safety. Individual device alarms and data that are siloed between multiple systems or screens make it difficult to detect changes and patient deterioration. And the stakes could not be higher, as rapid decisions in the OR can have significant postoperative repercussions for patients and the total cost of care.
Capsule helps OR teams capture and navigate large amounts of streaming and historical data by capturing, aggregating and contextualizing all available information, then securely integrating it into other systems and providing predictive insights. Our flexible connectivity hubs integrate virtually all medical device data from the OR into one scalable platform. Our system has the ability to tailor the elements and frequency of data sent to multiple systems, including alarm management.
Ein mobiler klinischer Computer verfügt über integrierte Konnektivitätsanschlüsse und die Möglichkeit, Daten und Konnektivitätsstatus von mehreren Geräten auf einem einzigen Display zu verwalten.
MEHR ERFAHRENEine Seriell-zu-Netzwerk-Brücke mit einem, vier oder acht Ports, die eine robuste Konnektivität zur elektronischen Patientenakte (EMR) in stark frequentierten Pflegebereichen wie der Intensivstation bietet.