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Oktober 15, 2015
strykerc hospital bed

StrykerC 5.0.4 OCTOBER 15, 2015

Device manufacturer


Supported devices

Bed Gateway

• iBed Server Application

Beds (supported via Gateway)

• Secure 2 MedSurg Bed
• S3 MedSurg Bed
• InTouch Critical Care Bed

Description of the release

Maintenance, see below.

Cases addressed by this release

• C#42865 – Service issues and Missing Bed Data
• C#45035 – Variable 757 should be changed to a non-Multiset Variable
• TFS#15290 – Empty device connection list results in loss of Server subscription ID
• TSF#15334 – The ErrorID “unknown subscription” sent by the gateway is different than the protocal description
• TFS#30463 – Wait for an update of bed location data before transmitting bed data after a DDI start
