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DDI - Device Driver Interface - BBraunC 5.2.0
Januar 7, 2022

BBraunC 5.2.0

The Device Connectivity team is pleased to announce that the BBraunC 5.2.0 DDI has passed the limited release phase and is now globally available on Capsule customer portal.

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DDI - Device Driver Interface - BaxterD 5.3.0
Januar 7, 2022

BaxterD 5.3.0

The Device Connectivity team is pleased to announce that the BaxterD 5.3.0 DDI has passed the limited release phase and is now globally available on Capsule customer portal.

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RGBMedicalA 5.3.0
Dezember 13, 2021

RGBMedicalA 5.3.0

The Device Connectivity team is pleased to announce that the RGBMedicalA 5.3.0 DDI has passed the limited release phase and is now globally available on Capsule customer portal.

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PhilipsC 5.3.11
Dezember 10, 2021

PhilipsC 5.3.11

The Device Connectivity team is pleased to announce that the PhilipsC 5.3.11 DDI has passed the limited release phase and is now globally available on Capsule customer portal.

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JunkenA 5.3.0
Dezember 10, 2021

JunkenA 5.3.0

The Device Connectivity team is pleased to announce that the JunkenA 5.3.0 DDI has passed the limited release phase and is now globally available on Capsule customer portal.

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BaxterFMount 5.3.5
Dezember 10, 2021

BaxterIFMout 5.3.5

The Device Connectivity team is pleased to announce that the BaxterIFMout 5.3.5 DDI has passed the limited release phase and is now globally available on Capsule customer portal.

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