Critical care is a one of the most technology-dependent, data-rich environments in the hospital. High-fidelity data in this setting is crucial in enabling early detection of deterioration and prompt clinical decision-making. With up to 2.2 million data elements1 and 770 alarms2 generated, per ICU bed, per day it’s easy to see that monitoring these variables and alarms can take a toll. Compounding this problem is the fact that clinicians aren’t always getting the data they need at the bedside, further impacting their decision-making and patient outcomes.
Capsule’s solutions gives each caregiver the precise and timely data they need to act. Our solutions aggregate and tailor data, including waveforms, to support the unique needs of downstream systems like alarm management, helping clinicians intelligently prioritize and escalate care.
Our offering takes device data management to a new level. Enabling health systems to select any or all of the rich device data collected, allowing the customization of sampling rate and format required by receiving systems. Our solution connects and tailors data for leading systems.
We simplify the process of acquiring and using data-driven insights to drive positive health outcomes.
Ein mobiler klinischer Computer verfügt über integrierte Konnektivitätsanschlüsse und die Möglichkeit, Daten und Konnektivitätsstatus von mehreren Geräten auf einem einzigen Display zu verwalten.
MEHR ERFAHRENEine Seriell-zu-Netzwerk-Brücke mit einem, vier oder acht Ports, die eine robuste Konnektivität zur elektronischen Patientenakte (EMR) in stark frequentierten Pflegebereichen wie der Intensivstation bietet.
MEHR ERFAHRENFind out more about data management solutions from Capsule, and how they can transform mountains of device data into highly contextual clinical insight.