Applications compatibles
Capsule™ Vitals Stream
Fabricant de l'appareil
Soins intensifs Maquet
Appareils pris en charge
Description de la version
- Mise à niveau vers le modèle de données amélioré (EDM) pour prendre en charge l'intégration avancée des données.
- DDI now allows collection of 100 Hz waveform.
- Changed behavior of alarm variables to output Value 1 (Alarm active) and AlarmAudioInactivationState “Paused” instead of Value 2 (Alarm active but silenced).
- Changed behavior of the Device Inactivation Status variable to output “audio-paused” only when all active alarms on the device are silenced.
- Added a known issue stating system version 7.00.04 of Servo-i is not supported.
- Added disclaimer on parameter precision in the known issues.
- Documented support for system versions 6.x, 7.x and 8.0 (Protocol version 003, 004 and 005).
- Fixed alarm repetition interval to 2 seconds no matter waveforms are active or not.
- Added the Watchdog Present variable.
Cas traités dans ce communiqué
- C95989 – No Data From Servo-I on Neuron After Upgrade to 11.2
- C133071 – Additional Waveform Data Needed for SiemensD