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2 février 2021

Hemant Goel, PDG de Capsule, remporte le prix Healthcare Hero décerné par CHIME

Veteran healthcare technology leader cited for outstanding service during the COVID-19 pandemic

ANDOVER, MA — February 2, 2021 — Technologies de capsules announced today that The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) has named Capsule CEO Hemant Goel a CHIME Healthcare Hero for outstanding service during the COVID-19 pandemic. The honor is given to a member of CHIME or a CHIME Foundation firm, based on a nomination from a peer.

Capsule’s leadership was essential in guiding the development of Capsule’s Ventilated Patient Surveillance (VPS) workstation, which assists frontline providers in identifying patients in severe respiratory distress. By extending the reach of intensive care unit staff over the full range of critical care patients, the VPS workstation increases the likelihood of patient survival and reduces the burden on already stressed care providers.

A seasoned business executive with over 30 years of global experience and proven success in healthcare information technology, Goel assumed the role of chief executive at Capsule in early 2019. Under his leadership, Capsule successfully grew its medical device integration, monitoring and surveillance businesses across numerous hospitals and healthcare organizations, culminating in Philips’ recently announced $635 million agreement to acquire Capsule.

“I would like to thank CHIME for this honor, and I accept the award on behalf of our entire Capsule team, which has worked diligently to help hospitals and clinicians in the fight against COVID-19,” Goel said. “The pandemic has exerted extraordinary pressure on the global health system. Leading technology organizations such as Capsule responded to the crisis by establishing new, innovative approaches and advancing insight-driven, proactive care. Our Capsule VPS workstation came to fruition quickly through our work with Yale New Haven Health, the University of Miami Health System, Massachusetts General Hospital and other leading healthcare providers. I also would like to commend my industry peers for their remarkable accomplishments in responding to this most acute global public health emergency.”

“We have seen extraordinary innovation and dedication from our CHIME members and CHIME Foundation partners during this difficult time,” said Russell Branzell, president and CEO of CHIME. “Under their leadership, projects that previously would take months were done in weeks or even days. The digital healthcare solutions they have designed are transforming health and care in their communities and across the healthcare ecosystem.”

CHIME is an executive organization that serves more than 5,000 digital healthcare leaders in 56 countries. CHIME provides education, career development and networking opportunities through in-person events, a digital healthcare learning platform, certification programs and more. The CHIME Foundation is a nonprofit organization that allows healthcare IT companies, service providers and consultants to network, learn from top healthcare IT leaders and financially support CHIME’s benefits and services to its members.


Capsule Technologies est un gros fournisseur mondial de technologies de données médicales pour les hôpitaux et les établissements de santé. Notre Medical Device Information Platform, qui inclut des solutions d'intégration d'appareils, de monitorage des signes vitaux et de surveillance clinique, recueille des données cliniques provenant des systèmes connectés et les transforme en informations contextuelles pour la documentation clinique, la gestion des alarmes, la surveillance des patients, l'aide à la prise de décision, l'analyse prédictive, la recherche clinique, et bien plus encore. La gestion des données de bout en bout et la connectivité permettent une meilleure collaboration et une meilleure communication entre les médecins et entre les services. Plus de 2 800 clients dans le monde s'appuient sur notre plateforme pour améliorer la sécurité des patients, simplifier les flux de travail et augmenter le niveau de satisfaction global dans tout l'hôpital et dans toutes les unités de soins. Pour en savoir plus, visitez : www.capsuletech.com.


The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) is an executive organization dedicated to serving chief information officers (CIOs), chief medical information officers (CMIOs), chief nursing information officers (CNIOs), chief innovation officers (CIOs), chief digital officers (CDOs) and other senior healthcare IT leaders. With more than 5,000 members in 56 countries plus two U.S. territories and over 150 healthcare IT business partners and professional services firms, CHIME and its three associations provide a highly interactive, trusted environment enabling senior professional and industry leaders to collaborate, exchange best practices, address professional development needs and advocate the effective use of information management to improve the health and care in the communities they serve. For more information, please visit chimecentral.org.


Contact média

Philippe Anast
Amendola Communications pour Capsule Technologies, Inc.
(312) 576-6990
