Applications compatibles
Capsule™ Vitals Stream
Fabricant de l'appareil
Appareils pris en charge
- SLE 4000
- SLE 5000
- SLE 6000
Description de la version
- Added support for version v2.0.98 of the SLE6000 by adding OxyGenie, End Tidal CO2 alarm, and SpO2 alarm variables.
- Marked “Interface Communication Alarm” variable obsolete because the label is incorrect. Added new alarm variable “Fresh Gas Solenoid Fail” which should be used instead for the SLE 4000 and SLE 5000.
- Added MeasurementTime to all variables and added technical alarm variables to all devices.
Cas traités dans ce communiqué
- C77006 – SLE6000 auto oxygen mode variable